Monday, December 22, 2008

Stuck Jar Lids

I just wanted to share a tip on opening stuck jar lids that doesn't require a buff male assistant. While making the chicken parmigiana, I had trouble opening a reaaaaaaly tightly sealed jar of tomato sauce. The hubby was sleeping and I tried with all my might to budge the lid open, but it wouldn't move. I tried the rubber glove method, the rubber band around the lid method, the dish towel method, the can opener which wouldn't fit under the lid method which flopped, and I was at wit's end. So I looked up opening jars online in desperation, and had the answer. Run the *lid* of the jar under hot water for 1 minute, then try to open. The heat expands the lid so that it comes off more easily. I did just that, dried the bottle, and *POP*!! Yay!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As I was reading the first half of your post I was thinking...I should tell her Baba taught me to run it under really hot water:) Nice to know why that works!

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